Up Coming Club Outings
Members: Please refer to the back of your newsletter for a list of scheduled hikes.

Non Members: Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to LPNHC,PO Box 855, Schoharie, NY 12157 or email at markthelp@yahoo.com and request the latest newsletter with a li st of scheduled hikes.

Please call the hike leader to register and ascertain the particulars of the hike at least one week before the event. We usually meet at a local restaurant for breakfast and share some happy chatter. We break up in car pools to shuttle to trail heads. We eat lunch on the trail and occasionally share treats! When the hike ends, we shuttle back to our cars. The pace is very relaxed and we stop often for breaks, pictures and laughter! We go as fast as the slowest person and stay together as a group. We do have some leaders that like to lead marathon hikes, so make sure you question the leader on the length, difficulty, and pace. The people that come out for the hikes are all very friendly and very receiving of new faces. It doesn’t take long to feel like you are among old friends! We try to plan at least two group events per month. Once you get to know us there are opportunities to do unscheduled hikes and trail work, if you would like to join in!

Assumed Risk: persons participating do so at their own risk, as hiking involves certain inherent hazards. It is also assumed that participants will match their ability with the degree of difficulty of each outing. Each person should be equipped with sturdy boots, ample water, food, and during colder months, snowshoes, crampons, and layered clothing (no cotton), and always think "rain-gear". If car-pooling, be prepared to assume a share of the driver's cost.

Volunteers Needed
Our Club performs highway cleanup twice a year (spring and fall) on a 1.5 mile stretch of Route 30 under Vroman’s Nose, L.P. Section 31 in Middleburgh. The work is performed in the morning and takes approximately 2 hours. The NYS Dept. of Transportation requires we have more people to meet their safety regulations. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Harold Guest Jr. at 518-827-5995 and ask him to add your name to the clean-up call list.

Annual Meeting
Our annual membership meetings are held in September. The date, time, and place is announced in the fall newsletter. The meeting consists of a morning business meeting and elections. We enjoy a pot luck lunch followed by an impromptu activity (usually a short hike). All members, landowners, and interested parties are welcome. Please remember to bring a food item to share at lunch.

Long Path North Excursion
The Long Path North Excursion is a challenging 80-mile trek on the Long Path sections 29 - 36, extending from the Schoharie Reservoir in West Conesville to the Thacher State Park in the Towne of Knox. The trail traverses state lands, forests, preserves, and parks which are linked together by easements through private property and offers the outdoors enthusiast an enormous variety of hiking experiences. The path ranges from a relaxed country road walk to bushwhacking. Along the trek, you will enjoy spectacular vistas, secluded treasures, and unique adventures. If you meet the challenge, you will be rewarded with a colorful 3" x 4" LPN Excursion Patch to proudly display. For details, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Mark Traver at PO Box 855, Schoharie, NY 12157 or by email at markthelp@yahoo.com and request information on the LPN Excursion.

EMS Club Day Sale
Periodically, the Eastern Mountain Sports store offers a club day sales. Our members are offered a savings of 20% on all in-stock store purchases. This sale is for membership card holders only, so don’t forget your valid Long Path North Hiking Club Card.