March 16, 2004

Several bills have been recently introduced along with several that have some seen some action that may be of interest.

1. As predicted the Canned Shoots Bill has reared its head again. The bill is being reviewed but the members of the NYSCC at their Legislative Meeting on March 15, 2004 voted to oppose the bill as it is currently written.

A 10188 Stringer Same as Uni. S6446 PADAVAN Environmental Conservation Law TITLE....Extends the prohibition on canned shoots of non-native big game mammals to additional conditions A10188 03/11/04-referred to environmental conservation Same as S6446 03/11/04-REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION.

SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: This bill would expand the existing prohibition on canned shoots on fenced preserves of 10 acres or less. The bill would remove the existing acreage requirement and prohibit the deliberate release of an animal confined in a fenced or other area from which there is no reasonable means for such animal to escape in the presence of a hunter. Finally, the bill includes non native big-game mammals, with an exemption for white-tailed deer.
As we have more information we will keep you informed.

1. Blazed Orange bill is back in a different form as well. Again members of the NYSCC at the Legislative Meeting March 15, 2004 voted to oppose this bill as currently written.

A10052 DiNapoli (MS) No Same as Environmental Conservation Law
TITLE....Requires every person hunting for big game to wear a minimum total of four hundred square inches of solid or patterned fluorescent orange
Sponsor Justification Similar legislation (A.8784-A) was passed by both houses in 2003, but was vetoed by the Governor. The Governor's veto message cited technical concerns involving the amount of blaze orange material per garment required; the inadvertent applicability of the requirement to long bow and muzzle-loading special seasons; the unintentional applicability of. an additional criminal penalty; and the lack of inclusion of the special shotgun season in Suffolk County. All of these concerns are addressed in this bill.

As we have more information we will keep you informed


A6466 Parment Prohibits the use of artificial lights in conjunction with the taking of deer or bear between the hours of midnight and the following sunrise - enacting clause stricken &Mac246; 03/15/04

S930A MAZIARZ same as A1099A Smith reduces the required minimum age for obtaining a junior archery license ORDERED TO THIRD READING CAL. 509 in the senate. 3/16/04

A3311 Englebright (MS) No Same as Penal Law ...Proscribes persons, firms or corporations engaged in retail business of selling firearms from selling, delivering or transferring child operated firearms passed assembly, delivered to senate codes committee 3/15/04

A4615C Weisenberg (MS) No same as Enacts the „children&Mac226;s weapon accident prevention act‰ passed assembly, delivered to senate codes 3/15/04

A 6820 O'Donnell Same as S 5298 Criminal Procedure Law Requires the judge in a criminal proceeding or in a family court proceeding, upon issuance of an order of protection to inquire as to the possession of a firearm by the defendant passed assembly, delivered to senate codes 3/15/04

A 7039 Eddington Same as S 4453 SCHNEIDERMAN Penal Law Bans the sale, use or possession of 50-caliber weapons passed assembly, delivered to senate codes 3/15/04

A8456-B Rules (Paulin) No Same as General Business Law...Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals passed assembly, delivered to senate codes 3/15/04

A8542-B Rules (Koon) Executive Law...Enacts provisions relating to the trafficking of weapons and for the firearm, rifle and shotgun ballistic identification bank passed assembly, delivered to senate finance 3/15/04