Minutes from Schoharie County Conservation Association
Meeting held at the Curtis Mott Hall Lounge
March 25, 2004

I would like to list information all our clubs and post them to the website. Please email me at Dukee902@cobleskill.edu and let me know this information. When you do receive the newsletter via email or view it on the web, email it to interested parties to encourage involvement. News on events, legislation, hunter education, and more is constantly being updated to the website. Remember, many of our members can't make it to the monthly meeting; this newsletter is your way of communicating with them.

President Ray Zeh called this months meeting to order at 19:03 with a salute to the American flag. President Ray Zeh introduced guest speaker, Norm McBride, Region 4 Fisheries Manager (DEC).

Guest Speaker, Norm McBride, Highlights:
-Vacant item will not be filled in near future
-Reduction at Rome/Shortfall (50,000)
-Contaminant Levels Discussed: In Schoharie Reservoir Smallmouth bass 1.7 ppm and Walleye had 2.1 ppm of Mercury. Health advisory was issued. (Advisories are issued for amounts greater than 1 ppm.)
-Power Plants to the west are the source
-State in-process of statewide survey
-Trout Diaries: See info below in Old business on Trout Diaries.
-Stream Surveys: Scheduled, but need to be updated.
-Limit of 10 inches suggested for holding pond.

Old Business:

Pistol Permit Bill: We need to call Governor Pataki, Senate Majority Leader Bruno, Assemblyman Hooker, and Senator Stuart. I have been informed the next emergency appropriations bill to keep the state operating through April 25 contains/will contain the pistol license proposal from A-9556A/S-6056A. I have not seen the bill yet. If either
the Assembly or Senate complains then the language will be taken out to insure passage as it is necessary for the state to continue to pay its bills. Start calling the LOB.
For More Information Click Here

&Mac183; SUNY Cobleskill, Dorwin Hamm Scholarship: It was decided that recipients must give presentations of their projects. The next meeting will be devoted to review of these presentations. Money for three more scholarships was discussed. Possible sources included the donation of $6,000 in skins.
&Mac183; Boat Ramp: Assemblyman Hooker is supporting this idea. Grants are available, but we need to find a suitable piece of land. Does anyone know of one?
&Mac183; Club Delegates (Annual Dues): All members who have email access should contact us in order to save money on postage.
&Mac183; Canoe Raffle 2004: The Canoe will be picked up. It is a 14ft Stillwater canoe with paddles.
&Mac183; Annual Fish and Wildlife Festival: On May 1st, SUNY Cobleskill will be hosting their annual Fish and Wildlife Festival from 10am to 4pm at the Frederick R. Bennett Ski Lodge on Rte 10. The event is open at no charge to the general public and offers free parking. It's a youth oriented event with many educational programs. Also, there's the chicken BBQ and fish Fry along with a wild turkey calling contest and a photography contest. Exhibitors from various natural resource fields encompass a broad spectrum of private, state and federal organizations, as will as individuals.
&Mac183; Fish Diary: Angler Diary Cooperators for all waters will be issued a diary where all trip and catch information can be recorded. All diaries will be returned to the cooperator along with an annual summary of results prior to the start of the 2005 fishing season. In order to participate in the East Branch, West Branch, main Delaware River, Pepacton Reservoir, Cannonsville Reservoir and Otsego Lake Angler Diary Programs, please contact NYSDEC, Fisheries Unit, by mail at Route 10, Stamford, NY, 12167, or by phone at (607) 652-7366.
&Mac183; Website update: Updates will continue to add current news and information. Member Clubs should submit material for posting in electronic format. http://www.schoharie-conservation.org/.
&Mac183; Antler Resolution: Three counties have cooperated on the Resolution which calls for the “3 on a side” rule. Pennsylvania’s program has produced larger deer after 3 years.

New Business:

&Mac183; Trout Stocking: Schoharie Reservoir 1,680, West Kill 400, Mallet Pond 400, Holding Pond (Cobleskill Reservoir) 350. There were 2830 total fish stocked and 2740 were 1 year old trout. Of this total amount of fish, 90 were 2 year old. They were put in ( 20 West Kill ),( 20 Mallet Pond ), ( 50 Cobleskill Reservoir ).
&Mac183; The Power Authority is awaiting the departure of eaglets before building new stands.
&Mac183; Teachers Environmental Education Workshop material was available at the meeting. For more information contact Ed Zamjohn at 234-2908. ezamjohn@nycap.rr.com.
&Mac183; A motion was made and approved to design and create buttons.
&Mac183; Camp COBY
&Mac183; The early Youth Turkey Season was disgusted. There is an early season for youth to hunt with an adult on the weekend leading up to the regular season. The idea of a Youth Deer Season has been proposed.
&Mac183; Cancer Marathon: All money stays in Schoharie County for this charity. “Marathon for a Better Life” will take place on June 5th. If you know someone in Schoharie County who is fighting Cancer and could use a little financial help, just call 255-5449. No hassles and no papers to fill out. Committee members are: Cherie Stevens, Donna Lavigne, Kathy Brayton, Kim Law, Nancy Becker, Marion Vamosy, Veronica Diamond, and Christina Brizzee.
&Mac183; Neil Tregger of SUNY Cobleskill requested $250 for dollars for a buzzer system. He was prepared to use his personal scholarship money for this. The buzzer system will remain property of the school for use in quiz competition and preparation for National Meetings for years to come. A motion was made and the proposal was approved. The students expressed their gratitude and look forward to continued involvement with the Association.

Club Reports:

Central Bridge Fish & Game Club– Skeet shooting on Sunday morning all year weather permitting. Contact Jim Mansheffer at (518) 868-2576. Trap shoots every Monday night from April to September. For September and October shoots, call Pat Gallagher at (518) 234-4194. The club also sponsors the Schoharie Pistol Team that uses the range at the club house. For more info on the club, visit: http://www.schoharie-conservation.org/memberclubs/cbfgc.html

Long Path North Hiking Club — Adopt-A-Highway: If you can lend a hand for a few hours, please give Harold Guest Jr. a call at 518-827-5995 to have your name added to the clean-up call list. We are also looking for new maintainers for Greene County L.P. Sections 24 & 25. The first hike around Bowmaker’s Pond took place on April 3rd. Other information and outings may be found on the website:

Middleburgh — Hunter Ed: Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club Classes 26th, 27th, 28th (Register on the 19th): Registration at the Middleburgh Rod/Gun Club on April 19, 2004 from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Will hand out the hunter safety manual the night of registration. Tel.# 827-8440. Classes are on April 26, 27, 28 from 6:00 to 9:30 P.M.
Guns for the raffle have been purchased. Assemblyman Hooker attended the Archery Banquet. The Fishing Derby will take place on May 22nd. A 3-D target shoot is in the works for this all summer. Dylan Foland has been using medicine and the marrow transplant has not been needed.

Richmondville Fish & Game Club — Is scheduled to be out of hibernation next month.

Whitetails Unlimited — Nomination of Officers scheduled to take place on April 5th. The banquet has been scheduled for September 26th at the Best Western.

Trout Unlimited — Catskill Creek red count meet unfavorable conditions last fall. A new survey was planned with SUNY Cobleskill this week.

SUNY Cobleskill — May 1rst Festival: See Old News above. They have decided to form subcommittees to meet the demands of planning such a big event. A Spring Campout is being planned. Stocking of the Ski-lodge pond and Gilboa is scheduled to take place.

West Fulton — Has meetings Scheduled for the1st Tuesday of each month at the Firehouse.

COBY Fish & Game — Hunter Education classes on the 23rd and 24th: Hunter Education Course sponsored by the Coby Fish and Game Club Hunter Education Course
Where: Cobleskill VFW Hall
When: Friday April 23rd from 6:00pm -- 9:00 pm
Saturday April 24th from 8:00 am --- 5:00 pm

The following clubs should submit contact information and material in electronic format for posting on the website:
&Mac183; Conesville Rod & Gun Club
&Mac183; Richmondville Fish & Game Club
&Mac183; Schoharie County Jeep Club
&Mac183; Schoharie County Pistol League
&Mac183; Schoharie Valley Trappers
&Mac183; Summit Conservation Club

The next meeting will be held at Curtis Mott Hall Lounge on Thursday, April 22nd at
Meeting adjourned at 21:30.

For questions or comments concerning this website:
Contact Ethan Duke dukee902@cobleskill.edu