Antler Resolution

Schoharie County Conservation Association

Subject Antler Restrictions

Schoharie County

WHEREAS the State of New York does not presently have any antler restrictions with the exception of less than three-inch antler to legally tag a doe

WHEREAS eliminating the above restriction and adding a three point or better on one side with a point being one inch or longer

WHEREAS this three point restriction would greatly improve Schoharie County buck herd quality, size, and genes pool

WHEREAS an antler restriction would not only give us a bigger and better buck herd, it would at the same time work better at reducing our doe herd

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED this restriction would be a pilot program for other counties and hopefully become a statewide law

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this resolution would eventuality have an economic impact on Schoharie County due to the sale of hunting licenses, lodging, food and transportation

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